Let's Talk About Life Purpose

I'm a late bloomer!
I spent 50 years trying to figure out my life purpose. I read books (some of which I still have). I took classes. I took self-assessments. I listened to others.
It wasn’t until I stopped chasing after my life purpose and simply allowed myself to BE that I realized that my purpose was within me all along. You see, it was ME!
Purpose is about embodying, and accepting, the story that is YOU. Being who you are and exploring who you are (and who you are not) unveils your purpose. And this adventure of exploration is a big part of your purpose.
And the good news is that you can’t get it wrong. You can’t fail your purpose. We tend to make things complicated; we think we have to figure it out. We mistakenly think our purpose has to do with impact, being a best-selling author, or being a change-agent.
But if you take the time to explore who you are, you’ll see that you are already making an impact and sharing in a totally unique way. It’s just that you’ve probably believed in someone else’s ideas about fulfillment and purpose. Stop it!
So, you can’t fail in your purpose, but you certainly can miss opportunities to take more risks, to make mistakes, to get messy, or to get to a juicy and joyful experience of who you are and what makes you tick.
I like to take August off (and April and December, too) in order to simply BE and feel into what makes me light up and where I can best utilize my talents and skills. I’ve had to tune out the barrage of emails I get advising me on how to attract clients, how to create content that sells, or how to connect with joint venture partners (I know, I know, I need to unsubscribe - but I'm really good at hitting the 'delete' button). I also need to tune out the well-meaning coaches and mentors who want me to follow ‘tried and true’ methods in favor of what enlivens me.
So, what enlivens me?
I love having things available and affordable. But for so many years, I felt like I had to apologize because I wasn't all that interested in having a "high-end" offer. Seeing people evolve, grow, and learn to trust their own inner wisdom makes we want to dance and do twirls! Getting emails about something I shared that was meaningful or impactful makes me light up. Helping 'you do you' turns me on. And if I can do that at a price that is easy for you to take a chance on yourself, then win-win!!
So, I love to offer short, low-cost classes. Or easily-digestible bundles with great tips that can be put to use right away. And even though long-term coaching is the most effective, I've set up my personal coaching with a quick 3 or 5 session packages. And that’s just a start. I never want finances to be a limiter for anyone who comes to me and needs spiritual guidance, coaching, or help in crushing their excuses!
Ruth Bader Ginsberg (may her memory be for a blessing) said in an interview with MSNBC in 2015 that, “I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability and to help repair tears in her society, to make things a little better through the use of whatever ability she has”.
Guess what? We ALL have our own talents and abilities and whether we are using them to raise strong and healthy children, or volunteer, or donate food, or sign petitions, or heal animals, or pray for others, or are a safe place for others to share their innermost fears and feelings, or are a sponsor in AA, or anything else – when we use our talents in any way, we are living our purpose (no matter what anyone else says!).
If you’re feeling stuck or lacking clarity or feel like there’s something wrong with you, I invite you to let that go. Letting go may just be the catalyst you need in order to explore yourself more deeply. Isn’t that an amazing idea?
You are a once-in-a-lifetime-totally-unique-totally-you-amazingly-awesome-phenomenon! Wowza!
Say yes to yourself by BEING your purpose!
Meet Janet:
Hi, I’m Janet and I’m all about helping you to awaken to your value, wholeness, and connection to the divine. And I do this by teaching and guiding you back to the truth of who you are and who you came here to be. Left to our own devices, most of us don’t know how to begin or where to start. We can’t see beyond our blind spots. That’s where I come in.
With decades of coaching, teaching, and mentoring success, I bring my clients what they need to crush their excuses so they can amplify their impact, boost their self-confidence, connect with their calling, and live their aligned life.
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