A personalized approach - It's all about YOU!
I use an eclectic approach in my work with clients and many of my clients didn't want to be locked into a set time for weekly or bi-weekly coaching.
And On-Demand Coaching was Born!

Mindset and Beliefs
Mindset is at the heart of everything I do. Uncovering patterns of self-sabotage and limiting ideas is what I'm good at. You have the power to create a life you truly love living!
I'm a belief-change expert!

Guidance and Clarity
It's all about you and your desires. I help you cut through your internal mind chatter and excuses so you feel empowered to take inspired steps to live authentically and on your own terms.
I'm a transformational guide!

Support and Accountability
I see you as courageous and capable. I offer BFF level support without the jealousy or judgment. I provide tools and strategies to help you navigate through stress, uncertainty, and fear.
I'm a deep listener and a safe place!
Not everyone wants to be locked into a system. Do you?
On-demand coaching is designed for those who don't want a set time or day for coaching calls. They want the flexibility and the fluidity to take life as it comes. These clients usually want very focused coaching around a specific topic when challenges or issues come up.
On-demand coaching could be a good fit for you if:
- You take time to digest and process information yet still want to take consistent action
- You're a self-starter and have already done a lot of inner work
- You don't need a ton of coaching but know you can benefit from tools, strategies, and techniques to support your momentum in living in alignment with who you came here to be
- You know you need someone in your corner to provide some accountability and to cheer you on
- You like to dive deep into a particular issue, blind spot, or area of resistance
- You're looking for a balance of form and flexibility and of structure and spontaneity
What exactly is coaching? And why do I need it?
I get asked that a LOT!
Think of coaching as mentoring. Think of a coach as an accountability partner. Think of a coach as someone who won't buy into your BS stories or excuses. A coach isn't moved by your sob stories or your tons of self-doubt or your years of self-sabotage. A coach sees beyond all that crap and partners with you through tears, fears, baby steps, and giant leaps.
A coach has your back.
Not only that, but a coach offers tools, techniques, and strategies (and in my case, humor and light-heartedness as well) to help you reframe your stories, your blocks, and will (virtually) hold your hand while you try out these new strategies and behaviors and move through discomfort and fear.
My coaching style is one of encouragement and inspiration (think of it as BFF level support and accountability without the jealousy or judgment). And I won't buy into your stories. My skill is to look beyond your stories, your excuses, and your fears to the heart of your resistance.
Not only that, but I like to go deep. And I won't shy away from any of your pain, shame, or guilt. Together, we can use any inner demons as rocket fuel to crush your excuses and transcend self-doubt.
I love to set you up for success and make sure every session includes a directive which will be an easy win for you. I see the best in you. I view you as a personal explorer on the path back to yourself and living your aligned life. I hold a space for you to be authentic (whether that's throwing a temper tantrum, avoiding your feelings, or being 'all in' with whatever is going on). I'm your accountability partner. I'm your biggest fan and your loudest cheerleader.
It's nice to know someone is in your corner cheering you on.
Now, this doesn't mean we become best friends. In fact, I may often irritate you or piss you off because I'm encouraging you (and nudging you) to look deeply at ideas and beliefs that keep you stuck. And believe me, your mind gremlins will be yelling at the top of their lungs!
My job as a coach:
- Create a safe and sacred space for you to explore, discover, dream, and take action toward your magnificent life (and say "yes" to yourself for a change so you can live your aligned life)
- Hold you as a courageous and powerful creator (even when you feel scared and weak)
- Not buy into your excuses, BS, and limiting ideas
- Provide you with ideas, tools, and techniques to help you discover (uncover) you own zone of possibility (and your own brand of courage, integrity, and awesomeness)
- Help you remember, accept, and embrace all of you (even the parts you don't like and don't want to look at)
Your job as a client:
- Be willing to experience life in all of its glory (and sometimes gory)
- Be honest and available with your feelings - your breakdowns and your breakthroughs
- Be open to witness your own courage, strength, vulnerability, and growth as old patterns are dismantled
- Be able to laugh at your foibles and have fun transforming your possibilities into realities
- Be an excited and willing partner with me
- Commit to the process!
You deserve better. And there's a part of you that knows it.
It's an unfortunate fact that it's your own inertia and fear that keeps you stuck. Even now as you read this, something within you thinks you are ready. And then...
...the internal mind chatter (I call it your monkey mind or your mind gremlins) convinces you not to take action. Your internal mind chatter convinces you that you'll do it soon.
But soon doesn't come. The time is NOW.
I know you've got excuses up the wazoo. And I also know those excuses (not enough time, not enough money, I'm already over-committed, blah, blah, blah) are just ways to keep you stuck and safe and small.
There's a solution for you to begin to create your amazing life NOW!
If you're happy blaming others for your problems...
If you're happy blaming your parents for the way they raised you...
If you're happy blaming your lack of 'whatever' for not being happy or getting ahead...
If you're happy creating drama and chaos...
Your Invitation
Before you even decide you want to work with me, you need to see if we'd be a match for coaching.
I don't work with just anyone and you shouldn't either.
I only work with my ideal clients and those that can benefit most from my style of coaching.
A coaching relationship is just that....a relationship! And it's important for the coach and the client to be on the same page. What if you don't like my sense of humor and get offended? No bueno.
However, if you're interested or intrigued and want to know if we'd be a good fit for coaching together, then...
Choose which On-demand package appeals to you, either 3 sessions or 5 sessions.
Your credit card will not be charged until we decide to work together.
Once you make your choice, we'll schedule a quick 'get acquainted' call so we can make an aligned decision. And don't worry, I'm not into selling tactics (that's not my aligned way).
And after our brief chat, you'll probably come away with clarity, perspective, and excitement. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you'll find yourself renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek. That's awesome!
If you're ready to see if we're a match for coaching, click the button below. Remember, you will not be charged until we both agree!
Imagine the Possibilities....
Imagine not having to prove your worth
Imagine being heard and understood
Imagine having unshakeable self-confidence
Imagine not worrying whether you are 'good enough'
Imagine yourself in the 'no judgment zone' (YAAAAASSSSS!!!)
Imagine prioritizing yourself and living the life you came here for