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Self-Worth Bundle - eBook

Click the button below to access the eBook

Life Changing Magic of Self-Worth eBook

Self-Worth Audiobook

Click below to listen to the audiobook

Ch. 1: Introduction                     Ch. 2: You are Worthy               Ch. 3: Power of Self-Worth

Ch. 4: Dealing with Criticism          Ch. 5: Low Self-Worth?            Ch. 5a: Lies We Tell Ourselves

Ch. 6: Building Self-Worth - part 1     Ch. 6: Building Self-Worth - part 2     

Ch. 6: Building Self-Worth - part 3                                              Ch. 7: Conclusion      

Self-Worth Bundle Checklist

Click the button below to access the Checklist

Life Changing Magic of Self-Worth Checklist

5 Tips for Reminding Yourself of Your Worth

5 Tips for Reminding Yourself of Your Worth...Fast

Quick Tip Video                        Quick Tip Article

5 Ways to Foster Self-Worth

5 Ways to Foster Self-Worth

Quick Tip Video                      Quick Tip Article

7 Tips for Restoring Self-Worth After a Toxic Relationship

7 Tips for Restoring Your Self-Worth after a Toxic Relationship

Quick Tip Video                           Quick Tip Article

Self-Worth Bundle Coloring Pages

Click the button below to access the coloring pages

Coloring Pages

Other Resources on Your Journey to Self-Worth

Head over to my website        Janet's Website

Mini Course

5 Days to Trigger-Proof Your Life     

      Trigger-Proof Your Life

Blogs about 'Focusing on You'                  Focus on You

Mini Course

5 Days to Finding Fulfillment in Life

Finding Fulfillment in Life

        imagine the possibilities of a life where you say "YES" to yourself!