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It's Time to Claim Your Worth and Live the Life You are Meant to Live


It's time to stop waiting for the outside world to tell us we're enough and to turn to self-love. To realize we've always been enough, always been lovable, always been worthy. Self-love gets us everything we want. The safety and security? Self-love is the way. The love and feeling of being worthy? Self-love. The relationships we crave? Self-love. Are you getting the gist?

Self-love is part of living your aligned life!


Enter my 5-Day Mini Courses

What gets in the way on our journey to self-love and living our aligned life?

  • We look outside ourselves for validation
  • We hide our brilliance and play small
  • We worry that we're not enough
  • We don't get our needs met
  • We hustle to prove our worth
  • We settle for 'good enough'
  • We cut ourselves off from our heart
  • We people-please


Trigger-Proof Feature Image

In this mini course....

- you'll identify the small everyday triggers and annoyances that drain your energy (that lead to overwhelm)

- you'll notice how easy it is to make excuses and tolerate things you don't want (that lead to a lack of self-worth)

- you'll learn the 7 'Ds' to help you take rapid action on your trigger list (that lead to feeling energized and empowered)

- you'll prioritize yourself which is a step toward self-love (that lead to living an aligned life)

Are you ready to start living your aligned life in a greater way?

Go from overwhelmed to overjoyed

Shift from dissatisfied to gratified

Clarify what drains your energy 

Increase your confidence and self-esteem

Understand where you need better boundaries

Recognize your value and improve your self-care

Janet Kingsley | Possibility Doctor
Carol Quina - Agoura, CA

“Janet has a particular gift that helped guide me to think much bigger, take truly inspired action, and solve practical problems. We need great teachers to help bring out the best in us. I know she brought out the best in me!”

Agoura, CA

Janet Kingsley | Possibility Doctor
Marian Sjostrom - Sedona, AZ

“I’ve taken a number of classes with Janet. Why? It’s simple, really. She’s approachable, relevant, and funny. Plus, she knows her stuff! And I never feel judged by my lack of progress or backsliding. She helps me feel encouraged, empowered, and open to so many more possibilities than I’m able to see on my own. She brings out the best in her students.”

Sedona, AZ

What can you accomplish in only 5 days?

You'd be amazed! But first, you need to get out of your comfort zone!

So, dive in. Get juicy. Have fun. Take a chance on you. Say "YES" to yourself for a change.

And begin that fantastical journey back to who you really are and living your aligned life...

...by starting to "Trigger-Proof" your life!

Trigger-Proof Your Life - PAY WHAT YOU WANT!

        imagine the possibilities of a life where you say "YES" to yourself!